Copper Shree Yantra

Shree Yantra is considered the most auspicious and powerful yantra. Shree yantra is a sacred instrument fulfilling worldly and spiritual desires. Sri Yantra is associated with the Hindu deity Goddess for fortune, wealth, and prosperity. SAANSMART is an online platform for providing you with the best spiritual products and creates awareness of wellness. The yantras imbued original with serenity and tranquillity lighting you to buy the product to make your life beautiful with sound body and soothing mind.

The etymology of the word Shree is derived from the Sanskrit word which means prosperity and the word yantra means instrument or support which means an instrument with prosperity. Shree yantra helps in bringing wealth, fortune, and prosperity into your life. Using Sri yantra can clear the impediments and help you see the journey lucidly for success in life. Being a Vedic instrument embedded with energies with mantras, you shall be bestowed with good luck and opulence. Shree yantra provides the equilibrium within the belief system to have peace and serenity within. Shree yantra cleanses and provides a state of tranquillity for growing the spiritual self.

Shree (Shri) yantra is a source of cosmic energy, sensitive and at the same time having magnetic powers. The instrument shall imbibe the cosmic emissions into constructive form into the ambience. Shree yantra removes the negative vibes to provide peace and harmony. They are the solution to the complexities in your life. Being an instrument of wealth, when you worship goddess Lakshmi with Shree yantra, you’re blessed with success and blissful life. Shree yantra provides positive energy around to fulfil all the desires.

The Shree yantra is known as the queen of yantra, the symbol of feminine divine energy from the cosmos. The yantras designed symbolise the goddess with the lines, lotus, and triangle representing the aura of Shakti. The outer square represents the earth element, the mundane emotions. The circles represent the past, present, and future. The inner space represents the mind. The central triangle symbolising pure consciousness. The circles represent the symbolism for the water element. The Bindu (central point) represents the highest manifestation of the deity found in the centre of Shree yantra which is the formless consciousness. 

Shree yantra is an ashta dhatu mix which means a mixture of 8 metals – Copper, Zinc, Nickel, Aluminium, Lead, Iron, Manganese, and Magnesium. It is auspicious to place the yantra on Friday morning in the puja room. They are cleaned with raw milk and kept on a red cloth. You can recite the mantra daily for 108 times – 

Om Shreem Hreem Shreem Mahalakshmye Namah

Shree yantra has a sacred geometric pattern to unknot the secrets of the universe. Shree yantra corresponds to one of the chakras representing the universe. Aum and Sri Yantra have a correlation having the 108 numeric representation with similar geometric patterns with tonoscope. The superimposition of upward and downward triangles is a combination of Lord Shiva and Goddess Shakti. Sri Chakra is the representation of Goddess Lakshmi with infinite power. 

Shree yantra is 70 times more energetic than a Pyramidal structure. The right design complementing the geometry, the Shree yantra is used around the world for building temples. Shree yantra can be placed at home or office facing east. Shree yantra kept at the office can enhance productivity and synergy with your colleagues.

Blog by Saans Mart Content Development Team

Writer: Orbindu Ganga

Chief Editor & Content moderator: Dr Pallavi Kwatra (

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