
Paradise of ecstasy in tasting the food with hands is a treasure less understood by many. Effulgence thrives on the skin with a smile with the nutrients consumed within. The glee of food being consumed using the hand is an experience stimulating emotional and passionate nuances. Nothing can replace the sensory experience of five elements swayed through our five fingers. The fingers make us aware of the essence of the food in smell, taste, and texture when consumed, not only being content to satiate the stomach but also in soothing the mind and soul.

Each finger signifies the elements to facilitate the digestive function in the stomach, releasing digestive juices and enzymes. The nerve endings of each fingertip connect to the flavour of the food to be consumed. The preparation to taste delicious cuisine begins with the touch through the fingertips, preparing for accoutring the stomach for digestion knowing the spiciness, texture, and temperature of the food. As the inception of the journey with the fingers taking the food in the mouth materializes, one curves in the yogic mudra to activate the sensory organs keeping the equilibrium. The food when touched by the fingertips sends the signals to the brain, instructing the digestive juices to be released, making the food tastier than using fork and spoon.

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The fingertips are connected to major chakras, once they are smelled and tasted with food, they have a beautiful connection to stimulate the inner self. Subconsciously the food is observed to be tasted and absorbed as the fingers touch the delicacy making the muscle exercise stimulate blood circulation. The chewed and the tasted one is adsorbed to be imbibed within as nutrients.

The blooms which are pious in hands are diligently involved as an agent for smooth functioning in the mouth, throat, and intestine when the food is tasted. The harmless blooms, treated as bacteria have a good soul to be a messiah in palm and fingers, protecting against the microbes outside. He acts as a saviour providing a natural immunity towards ecological bacterial germs. The true essence of having food using hand can make one feel satiated, being able to know the completeness within the self. We are mindful when we use our hands as we concentrate on different dishes to be seen, smelled, and tasted meticulously, leaving a lesser chance of food spilling out of our fingers. A joyful experience of being in a world of smell and taste of cuisines becomes our thought. There is an unsaid sensual connection with the food as we use our hands to touch the food and feel her essence creating a beautiful bond.

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The conscious practice of washing the hands intermittently is being inculcated towards cleanliness. Such a habit is a well-established norm with the belief system to feel good about personal hygiene and using hands for having food instead of thinking of grime being attached in the spoon behind the conscience.

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Using banana leaves can accommodate a better dining experience with fingers touching the food on the leaves which can prevent many diseases as it absorbs the polyphenol, a natural antioxidant. Having anti-bacterial properties serves a medium to kill the germs. Tasting the food in banana leaf imbued with subtle fragrance while serving the hot food can make one to relish the food slowly with a healthy etiquette, avoiding gorging for a balanced diet. Hasty eaters are attributed to type-2 Diabetes, the possibility of having the disease is reduced when such Indian traditional form of dining etiquette is encouraged. For a healthy life and a beautiful journey, we should imbibe the traditional form of life pattern where the healthy body is a reflection of a sound mind, the vice versa is being much appreciated in “mens sana in corpore sano.”

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Orbindu Ganga is a poet, author, content writer, sketch artist, researcher, and spiritual healer. He has published poems, articles, research papers, and painting. He has authored the book “SAUDADE.”

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