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A night of spiritual awakening with opportunities to experience the emptiness within the self is Maha Shivarathri. Maha Shivaratri referred to as the Grand night dedicated to Lord Shiva is the most significant event in India’s spiritual calendar. Maha Shivaratri is the auspicious day celebrated once in a year on a new moon day which falls on the 11th of March this year. SAANSMART is an online platform for providing you with the best spiritual products and creates awareness of wellness. The lingam, yantras, and sculpture imbued original with serenity and tranquillity lighting you to buy the product to make your life beautiful with sound body and soothing mind.

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Lord Shiva Mosaic Work

Maha Shivaratri is the significant day when the devotees pray to Lord Shiva with the dedication to get liberated from the past karmas. It’s believed that one attain moksha from the vicious circle of life and death. Married women blessed with marital prosperous life and spinsters are blessed to get the ideal husband. Maha Shivratri is significant in people on a spiritual journey, receiving the continuous flow of energies. People who are in self-doubt shall see the way forward to tackle all situations. Lord Shiva worshipped as Adi Guru where all his movements become STILL within him for the whole night. 

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Kinesthesia: Art in motion

Lord Shiva is one of the trinity referred to as the lifeless being. Lord Shiva is the potential encompassing the consciousness – universal soul. Lord Shiva is synonymous with cosmic dance, the third eye activation, and many infinite mysteries. Shiva is a vast emptiness of existence from where everything existed. He is the omnipotent source of everything in the cosmos. Maha Shivaratri is the night for one to dissolve their boundaries and experience creation within the self. Maha Shivaratri is the spiritual call to move towards truth, serenity, and benevolence – possess the qualities of Shiva.  

Maha Shivaratri is a day to honour Lord Shiva and celebrate his existence by praying and meditation. Praying Lord Shiva starts the day by observing fast can detoxify and cleanse the body for meditation. People keep awake all night and meditate by chanting Om Namah Shivaay, keeping them elevated with energies. Chanting harmonizes the five elements of the universe with love, serenity, and harmony. With lingam being the symbolic representation of the Shiva, offering Bel Patra represent offering the three aspects of the being – rajas, tamas, and sattva. Surrendering the three aspects shall bring peace and tranquillity within. Devotees bathe the lingam with milk, water, and honey. People decorate lingam with flowers, incense sticks, fruits, lighting a lamp, and betal leaves. 

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Saans Mart Natural Narmedeshwar Jaldhari Lingam 7 Inch

Lingam is the divine insignia of the union of Lord Shiva and Shakti. Narmadeshwar Shiva Lingam is sacred and rare. They are found only in the village Bakawan on the bank of River Narmada. They naturally occur in the river bed with high positive energy composed of cryptocrystalline quartz having the highest frequency than any other stone. They consider Lord Shiva as the Supreme Being to ward off the evils within. The lingam brings in wealth, peace, prosperity, and harmony in your life. The lingam is considered alive and advised to be kept in the Puja room. Daily prayer with the lingam can keep the illnesses away. 

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Saans Mart Copper Maha Mrintujay Yantra 3″ for worship, devotion and meditation For Unisex, Color- Copper (Pack of 1 Pc.)

Maha Mrityunjaya Yantra is a powerful yantra that can eliminate fear from death and acts as a panacea to cure diseases to give longevity to a person. Nataraja sculpture is a symbol of Shiva’s role as a cosmic dancer towards blissfulness. The energy of his dance in the pose of Nataraja evince the belief in Shiva to achieve salvation.  Shiva Sculpture is an epitome of tranquillity with blissfulness. Rudraksha is known as Tears of Shiva, maintain the physical and mental balance of the belief system. Rudraksha act as a panacea to cure any illnesses and enhance spiritual growth for the spiritual seeker. They can recognise the vibrations and facilitate the activation of Kundalini. 

Blog by Saans Mart Content Development Team

Writer: Orbindu Ganga

Chief Editor & Content moderator: Dr Pallavi Kwatra (

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