Orange is the colour of beautiful bright sunsets as also of the refreshing tangerines and oranges. Integrate the positive uplifting feeling, this hue brings about with the placid of the Buddha, and what you have is this amazing, specially crafted design from Saans Mart. Buddha, also known as Shakyamuni was a philosopher and spiritual teacher, who lived in ancient India and founded the world religion of Buddhism. Revered as ?the enlightened one? by his followers, he is believed to have transcended Karma through his meditation and awakening. Born in Lumbini as the crown prince in the Shakya clan, he is known to have renounced all worldly pleasures to seek insight into the causes and end of suffering and to have struck ?wisdom under a bodhi tree. Referred to as the ?Lord of the Dhamma? or the ?Dispeller of darkness? in most Pali titles conferred upon him, he is most popularly known as ?Tathagat? (Sanskrit word for ?one who has thus gone)
Buddha today is synonymous with peace and knowledge in the most practically relevant way possible. Gautam Buddha?s wall painting reminds us of a middle path between severe asceticism and sensual indulgence and of a simple life of mindfulness. It is for this reason that if you keep Gautam Buddha?s wall painting in the living room, you will be more prone to these values and teachings. Often encapsulated as the ?Four Noble Truths, that are presented in an elaborate discourse about ?the turning of the Dharma wheel?, his teachings imply the following four facts about life
1. There is bound to be ?dukh?(suffering)
2. There are causes and conditions for ?dukh? (primarily greed, aversion and delusion)
3. If the conditions for ?dukh? cease, dukh ceases and that is called Nirvana.
4. There is a path to follow that leads to Nirvana.
Wall painting of Gautam Buddha is an instrument to stay grounded to your values.
Interestingly, there has been established between the above four postulates and the four basics of Indian medical diagnosis: disease, pathogen, health, a cure. Other than this, Budhha?s ideology talks of everything being a process, all things in the world of our experiences being transient, and of there being no constant part to a human. This very essence of his teachings makes Budhha timeless and eternally relevant. Especially in the modern-day world, when our days are characterized by superficiality, insecurities and meaningless competition and the associated stress and ennui, Budhha brings the much-needed serenity to our lives.
Titled ?The Buddha?s Repose?, this design is, therefore, representative of the ?zen? we are all invariably in search of today, making it an apt addition to our studies or bedrooms or office spaces or even for that exclusive corner in our drawing rooms. You can shop for Gautam Buddha?s Wall Painting online at SaansMart.
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