Sajda (Paperback)


Sajda ? The guru is an emblem of the quantum truth. Like a mirror, throwing one back at oneself, again and again?the guru is an antidote to delusion and illusion.

Sajda is a collection of 108 images and couplets that interweave in spirit and relay the various ways that a seeker perceives the guru. In a compilation of word and forms, Sajda is an offering of love and pure devotion.


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Sajda, prostration to God, is the perfect title for Dr. Pallavi Kwatra?s exquisite set of 108 verses and photographs dedicated to the Enlightened Master. One might well consider the verses to be so many beads on a mala: readers can use them to advance their own spiritual practice.

Each succinct verse of the book is matched with a natural image appropriate to its content. The reader encounters skies, lakes, mountains, temples, birds, squirrels, and flowers whose symbolism pairs elegantly with the meaning of the verse preceding it.
The author succeeds in capturing that most elusive of incenses: the fine perfume of devotion to the Master. She thanks him for providing clarity and for removing obstacles to the goal. She acknowledges his power to raise her up above the distracting noise of daily life. But most of all she offers her heart to Him, for that gift of inestimable value: Light in the darkness of the world.

The reader will fall into the spell of the devotee as she or he absorbs these powerful words and engaging photographs. The author is feeling the movement of the kundalini snake as it unwinds in her nervous system. She is being transported out of the binding fabric of karma.

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