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Shivratri, also known as Maha Shivaratri, is a Hindu festival that is celebrated in honor of Lord Shiva. It is observed on the 13th night/14th day in the Hindu month of Phalguna, which falls between February and March. The festival is widely celebrated in India and Nepal.

The following are some of the common rituals and customs associated with Shivratri:

  1. Fasting: Many Hindus observe a fast on Shivratri as a way of purifying their body and mind.
  2. Night Vigil: It is traditional to stay awake throughout the night and engage in spiritual activities, such as meditation and prayer.
  3. Puja: A special puja (worship) is performed on Shivratri, which includes offerings of flowers, fruits, incense, and lamps to Lord Shiva.
  4. Chanting of Mantras: Chanting of the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra and other Shiva mantras is an important part of the Shivratri rituals.
  5. Bathing the Shiva Linga: Bathing the Shiva Linga with water, milk, and honey is a significant ritual of Shivratri. It is believed to purify the soul and bring blessings from Lord Shiva.
  6. Dances and Processions: In some parts of India, people perform dances and sing devotional songs in honor of Lord Shiva. Processions of devotees carrying Lord Shiva’s idol are also taken out on the streets.

These are some of the common rituals associated with Shivratri. The exact practices may vary depending on regional and local customs.

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