(॥मननात् त्रायते इति मन्त्रः॥)

Mantra is that force which liberates the mind from its obsessive nature.

Once the mind is released from its obsessive nature, it develops a pattern to “Let go” of unwanted, undesired emotions, distorted intellect, clouded perceptions, bloated ego.

This creates space in the mind from the existing clutter which was overflowing, giving scope for forming new grooves of constructive, positive thought-patterns, for thinking anew, for performing actions with detached attitude, in the sense of not getting attached to the results of the work, but just giving your best and putting the best foot forward.


मननात्-involvement with thoughts

त्रायते-liberation of energy (here, obsessive energy of mind)

Mananaat means ‘involvement with thoughts”. This involvement with the thought in the negative form becomes worry, “chinta”. As a positive thought or in the positive dimension it becomes manan, reflection. How do you know the difference between reflection and worry? In reflection, your mind stays peaceful, whereas in worry your mind becomes agitated. The process is the same as you are becoming involved and absorbed in your thoughts. However, when you can maintain your objectivity those thoughts are known as reflection. When you cannot maintain your objectivity and you become involved those thoughts are known as worry.

You are worried for you are unable to disconnect with what is predominant in the mind. If thought is predominant you are unable to disconnect from that, if emotion is predominant you are unable to disconnect from that. When you are unable to disconnect, and you are caught in the swirl of those emotions and thoughts, then that is obsessive-compulsive behaviour.

When you do the mantra, you are breaking this thought pattern and removing it from the older grooves, thus forming new grooves of thought-patterns, and focusing your awareness and thoughts on constructive resolutions. The first thought became the cause of your anxiety and worry. Then you cut that, and you generate a second thought which allows you to experience peace and harmony within you. That is the effect of mantra, for mantra realigns and reorganizes the energy structure of the body and mind.

A discordant note is struck off with the intervention, and a counter-attack of a harmonious vibration of the mantra, which replaces the discordant note by a harmonious one. The process continues as multiple such discordant notes are residing in the field of the mind, and this results in constant replacement by harmonious notes, and this requires mantra to be in ceaseless activity, with sound vibrations constantly coming into the mind, and that gives rise to the science of Mantra Japa Yoga, Repetitive Mantra Chanting, for inner harmony, transforming the restless and reactive mind into a resolute and responsive mind.

The spandan or the resonance or the vibration of the mantra influences the behaviour of the brain. Upon chanting, your brain is relaxed and tranquillized.

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The reality behind these sacred or mundane uses of words of power is that words carry energy creating and embodying the inner essence and forms of manifestations in the world. Each outer object has the characteristic sound vibration that sustains it. Our bodies, minds and hearts have their characteristic sound patterns, which in turn are affected by the spectrum of sounds around us.

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Mantra yoga provides us with a means to understand sacred sound from the perspective of a tradition that has taken it beyond mysticism into an organised and codified spiritual science. Mantra Yoga includes a study of the qualities inherent in sound itself, through which words and meanings are either properly shaped or deformed. It shows how sound impacts the Nervous System, the mind and heart, and how we can modify them to improve our lives. Regardless of which tradition or background you may personally follow, the insights provided in Mantra Yoga can be of enormous value to enable you to manifest your destiny creatively, effectively and competently through understanding the power of the word.


Anil Rao is a Yoga Psychotherapist, Mantra Trainer and Healer with a 15 years of experience in these fields. He has procured his Yogic Education from the prestigious Bihar School of Yoga, in Yogic Psychology, Mantra Yoga, and has mastered Yogic treatments for Hypertension, Stress, Anxiety, Fears, Lung problems, Thyroid imbalances, Migraine. He can be reached out at 7507377042 (whats app)

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